For every incredible business idea

there is a resilient visionary looking for the roadmap to get them there.

  • Have you ever wondered if you have the skills needed to build a million dollar company? 

  • Have you ever questioned if you have what it takes to create real success?

If you're thinking about entrepreneurship or if you're already knee deep in the business then you are definitely in the right place!

The Double Your Success Online Training Program was designed to fully equip you, the visionary with the tools, strategies, and resources that will catapult your business into the success you've imagined. 

DYS Online Training was designed to guide you through the  11 Success Principles found in the Forbes Bestseller.

Dig into the Modules & Learning objectives

  • Principal One

    To define your niche area of business and your “why”. This will empower you to properly vet your idea and to put in the work to make it come to fruition.

  • Principal Two

    To provide the step by step process of conducting market and industry research that supports the successful development of your business idea, product or services. Long gone are the days of blindly stepping into a business idea with hopes that it works. The DYS process will equip you with what you need to determine if there is any there-there.

  • Principal Three

    To fully understand the value of the relationships you build as you develop our business. Selecting your structure is a critical part of the business development process and must be determined wisely. If you are considering a partnership, due diligence is your greatest asset.

  • Principal Four

    To fuel the genius of the idea and support it with realistic expectations as you grow. Leaders will learn to develop their big business idea as they plan, research and implement achieving sustainable o

  • Principal Five

    To determine the company's overall vision and mission statements that effectively express the beliefs and values of the organization. As well as creating a team that is empowered to sell and captivate customers is the ultimate objective.

  • Principal Six

    To create a model that serves not only your clients but your employees and other important business shareholders. How will you ensure that your teams are willing to go the extra mile?

  • Principal Seven

    To establish the discipline, focus, commitment, and responsibility within the leaders of the organization. Gain a foundational understanding of what it means to be a servant leader.

  • Principal Eight

    To develop a teachable culture within your organization. That produces both teachers and students. Understanding that leaders must consider their ability to work on their business as they grow.

  • Principal Nine

    To ignite the leader within and challenge you to seek higher heights as you take flight and emerge as the leader of a successful business. Remember there is always a lion lying in wait.on

  • Principal Ten

    To increase your awareness as you consider your growth and success. As a business owner, you are challenged to raise the bar and keep your finger on the pulse of the industry, learn that y need to market will never cease.

  • Principal Eleven

    To prepare the business owner and the business for the variety of storms that may arise. It is critical that businesses are prepared for the possibility of internal and external disruptions that may impact their business.

Pricing options

Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.